Saturday, November 20, 2010


The direction of my life is unknown. School is fine, but I don't know what I want to do with my life. I just never stick with anything for very long because I never seem to care. I'm not sure why this is, but I have a feeling it's because I never want to apply myself and it's easier to start over than to care. I'm not sure why I think like this.
On a lighter note, I am living how I want. I would love to eventually start a family and grow up, but as of right now I am way to selfish to even think about it. Getting a dog would be too much of a commitment. Even though I don't want that type of a commitment, I would love to have a relationship and start dating again. I just never seem to find the right person or they don't think of me that way. That's fine with me, but it would just be nice to have someone think of me in a different way. Meh. I'll deal. I would love to fall in love. Just sayin.
This is boring just like my life right now. Homework is going to occur now so yeah...

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