Thursday, January 6, 2011

Am I always driving people away?? This is one of my biggest fears in life. I always want to be the person who always has it together. I'm not. I'm messy, goofy, loud, and much too much to deal with. Thank God I have found people in my life who deal with me and don't run in the opposite direction. I'm usually not this girl but lately I have been a freaking head case. Maybe it's hormones or maybe it's life getting back at me for being selfish. Who knows? Bah!! Going to go make a blanket now. Probably the most productive thing I have done outside of work in weeks. Peace!

1 comment:

  1. I think you do the opposite - your caring, funny, loving nature invites others to come closer. Don't worry about others - they are just jealous. :) PS - you were supposed to wait for me to make your blanket. Shame shame. Love you!
